Ukraine: Dying for freedom? A pleaagainst the war alliance of the West

Ukraine: Dying for freedom? A pleaagainst the war alliance of the West A reconciliation of facts and narratives in an information warthat turns almost everything on its head, from the fundamentalcharacter of the United States and its policies to the perceptionof the current conflict with Russia. Politics is rarely an honestbusiness. But the extent and… Ukraine: Dying for freedom? A pleaagainst the war alliance of the West weiterlesen

Bonhoeffer’s theory of stupidity – an explanation for today’s madness?

Bonhoeffer’s theory of stupidity – an explanation for today’s madness? Dietrich Bonhoefer was a German pastor during the NS regime of 1933-45, who spoke critically against the ideology of the Nazis and especially their antisemitism from the start. In 1943, he was arrested as part of the resistance and on April 9th, 1945 executed on… Bonhoeffer’s theory of stupidity – an explanation for today’s madness? weiterlesen

Vocabulary used for political defamation in Germany

Vocabulary used for political defamation in Germany Within the last years and crises, the atmosphere for discussion in Germany has deteriorated drastically. While people themselves apparently have more and more problems with diverging opinions, politicians and mainstream media facilitate this decrease of discussion culture by narrowing the spectrum of which is “speakable” as well as… Vocabulary used for political defamation in Germany weiterlesen

UMEHR: Founding call of a radical-democratic association

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UMEHR: Founding call of a radical-democratic association Note of the editorial office: The following article is the translated text of the invitation for the founding assembly of the association UMEHR on April 21th 2021. Afterwards, UMEHR was officialy registered as association according to german law. The purpose of this translation is to inform readers about… UMEHR: Founding call of a radical-democratic association weiterlesen