Chancellor Scholz, resign, the country is ruined!

Chancellor Scholz, resign, the country is ruined!

The real disaster that this government under Scholz/Habeck has caused, which once came into office with the grandiose claim of wanting to be a progressive government, is currently becoming apparent. It has managed to ruin an industrial country like Germany within two years so that not much of this country remains. It now turns out that not only is 60 billion euros missing from the budget, but according to a finding by the Federal Audit Office, this amount is at least 140billion euros.

The network of fictitious budgets that were presented to citizens with the beautiful names of special funds, but in reality subsidiary budgets that were built exclusively on debt and were set up without parliament, has collapsed. This government joins the ranks of the great economic bankrupts who, like Wirecard and other companies, turned the big wheel, but in the process lost sight of any measure and goal. The difference to these private bankrupts, however, is that now the citizens have to pay for this madness, because ultimately no state can declare bankruptcy. However, the state bankruptcy, as it is now apparent to the citizens, means that the reputation of a large industrial nation will be destroyed for years and that the citizens will receive the bill in order to be forced to pay it.

 This government has deliberately destroyed all of the country’s energy sources with unprecedented rigor and wanted to convince the citizens that this was necessary for the so-called ecological transformation and thus for the alleged saving of the world. Citizens were persuaded that renewable energies would be so effective that Germany would become the world market leader in the new emissions-free world. The costs of this transformation played no role for these politicians, perhaps it would be better to call them economic dilettantes.

Financial promises were made to large industry, which has obviously had cold feet about this policy for a long time and some of which already wants to leave Germany and some of which want to leave Germany with their production facilities, which – as it currently turns out – should be financed with loans.

Perhaps this government was just running the business of a few large international corporations and hedge funds that were loudly blathering about the need to produce in an environmentally friendly manner, not in Germany, but in the USA, in China and in other countries around the world. Of course, before this departure, they wanted to make it easier to leave with subsidies. At the moment it can only be stated that the main beneficiaries are the USA and some of its large corporations. After the cooperation with Russia was forcibly ended, Germany is now completely dependent on the USA with a simultaneous exorbitant increase in the price of environmentally harmful energy.

Citizens were literally played for fools with beautiful political terms that promised anew, fair and diverse society. Value-driven feminist politics, which advocated for the entire world except for one’s own country, also distracted from the fact that the economic decline in one’s own country continued inexorably. It is now clear that large parts of the federal budget and also the budgets of the states, which have drawn up the same unsound additional budgets, are unconstitutional, so that the entire financial house of cards has collapsed.

At this point it must be pointed out that CDU politicians, such as the ever so clever Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein, have also pursued the same unsound budget policy with fictitious budgets. In this respect, this party can hardly be expected to rescue us from the current crisis.

It is now time to bring about political change as quickly as possible. The only way out of this fiasco is new elections in the hope that politicians can be found who will quickly clean up the rubbish created by the previous progressive coalition. This requires a turnaround in political action. The primacy of diplomacy must once again apply; so-called value-driven politics must give way to interest-driven politics that are oriented towards the interests of one’s own people. Germany must stop getting involved in every war and believing that it can save the world by supplying weapons. Maybe there is an alternative party that can now show that ithas a better concept for Germany. Citizens are currently waiting for it.

By Maik Wolff


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