Ukraine: Dying for freedom? A pleaagainst the war alliance of the West
A reconciliation of facts and narratives in an information warthat turns almost everything on its head, from the fundamentalcharacter of the United States and its policies to the perceptionof the current conflict with Russia. Politics is rarely an honestbusiness. But the extent and perfection of U.S. disinformationalready go far beyond the ordinary – and without fundamentalchanges, it will get worse in the future.
1. Complete unity is untypical for free societies
Everywhere in the West, Ukraine and its brave fight againstthe Russian invasion is celebrated. More and more weaponsare being supplied ever more rapidly, with mantra-likeassurances that this will not lead to the West becoming a warparty and thus a target for Russia’s attack. The West sees itselfas fighting for the rule-based world order and the fundamentalvalues of free societies.
2. Enlighted rationality is rarely black and white
The battle of „good versus evil“ is typical of totalitarianregimes and fundamentalist ideologies. How can it be that itdoesn’t send shivers down everyone’s spine when Ukrainiansdeclare in interviews that Russians are not human beings?
„If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and looks like a duckit might BE a duck.“Hate against Russians, uncompromisingness, maximum waraims, escalation of war, and demonization of the enemy, whois made contemptible as amoral and inferior, all this is typicalfor fascists. This is the image of the Russian subhuman, as theNazis already had.
„Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy greeted theEuropean Parliament with a traditional Ukrainian saying:“Slava Ukraini!” (Glory to Ukraine!), and received thetraditional choral response: „Heroyam Slava!“ (Glory to theheroes!)“This does not look like the war of an enlightened, free societyfor a rule-based world order. This is what fascism looks like.
And the goal of a victorious peace with the destruction ofRussia according to the model of the Versailles Treaty showswhose kind of person this is and what dangers it conjures up.
3. It is no „unprovoked offensive war“ by Russia
The U.S. war against Iraq can probably be considered anunprovoked war of aggression since everyone knew before thewar that the accusations were fabricated. The bombing ofSerbia and Libya by the West was against international law.
The suppression of an uprising does not justify foreignmilitary intervention and certainly not overthrowing thegovernment or move borders. All of these violations ofinternational law by the West went unreacted.
The situation is different in southern and eastern Ukraine andCrimea. Here, the conditions under international law formilitary intervention by Russia are present. This was true in2014 and it is even more true in 2022 when Russia respondedto the escalation of Ukrainian attacks against Donbas torecapture to eradicate Russian identity in this originallyRussian-dominated area – after neither threats nor negotiationswere able to dissuade Ukraine from escalating its attacks.
International law is the basis and limit of national andterritorial integrity. A government can NOT claim territorialintegrity if it (like the regime illegally couped into power bythe USA in 2014) systematically and massively violates themost basic fundamental rights of its people or individualethnic communities, explicitly if the persecution serves thedenial of tolerance of the national or cultural identity of anethnic group.
The aggressive campaign of the U.S.-affiliated centralgovernment in Kyiv against everything Russian establishesthe right of the oppressed Russians to secede their territories -and thus for third countries like Russia the right to support theenforcement of this claim, all the more so in the case ofattacks on members of their ethnic group.
Crimea was not annexed, but a predominantly Russianpopulation legitimately withdrew from an illegitimate centralgovernment and its ethnic anti-Russian policy and later joinedthe Russian Federation for its protection.
4. The separation of the Donbass was legal
In the Russian-influenced Donbas, separatism, and separationwere also following international law, as was Russian militaryaid. In contrast, the U.S. intervention in 2004-2010 and since2014 has been a violation of the national self-determination ofthe multi-ethnic state in the former Soviet republic.
Biden bragged in the U.S. election campaign about how hemanaged to establish the Ukrainian prosecutor general withinhours. And the extermination campaign against everythingRussian is a massive human rights violation for which theKyiv regime, as well as those responsible in the U.S., shouldanswer to the International Criminal Court.
But: The USA does not recognize the ICC in The Hague andhas even threatened to use military force to free arrested UScitizens. This is what they look like, the „noble fighters for arules-based world order.
5. War and overthrow are the „business model“ of the USA.
The USA is a former British colony, founded by immigrationto a continent where European diseases killed off much of thenative population before the USA (before as well as afterindependence) expelled and slaughtered the remaining nativesand confined the rest to reservations.
The U.S. economy was based on slave labor in the South. Thesupposed liberation of slaves was the subjugation of theSouth, which wanted to export agricultural productsworldwide, by the industrialized North, which wanted to keepforeign competition out of the U.S.
market throughprotectionism. If about human rights were the reason, theywould not have continued to slaughter the remaining Indianstogether afterward and outsourced the exploitation of otherethnic groups to the colonies.
In the first 20 years after the independence, the USA went towar in the Mediterranean against North African states, whichmade sea navigation unsafe with piracy for about 250 yearsand enslaved more than 1 million Europeans according toestimates. In Japan, the USA later used warships to force theopening of the Japanese market for US products. In additionto the war against Mexico, they brought other colonies in theCaribbean and South Pacific under their control around 1900in the war against Spain.
After World War 1, the victorious European powers saw thesupremacy of the European nations defended and, togetherwith the French and British, generously redistributed theworld in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and the OttomanEmpire – as they had previously divided up Africa.
In the Ottoman Empire, they failed because of the resistanceof the Turks. In Eastern Europe, they created a multitude ofsmall states with sometimes unclear borders for about 20years, which led to quite a few wars over borders and quicklyto dictatorship in the countries. The Poland that Germanyoccupied in 1939 was an ultra-nationalist, aggressive militarydictatorship. Not something you would weep for if you holdEuropean values.
The American people overwhelmingly rejected World War IIuntil Roosevelt used massive sanctions to give the Japanesethe alternative of „unconditional submission or war.“ Inalliance with Stalin, the U.S. armed a regime that stood forunprecedented terror against its people. After the war, theygave all of Eastern Europe to Stalin for the expansion of hisdictatorship.
The USA supported the French after 1945 in the Indochinawar in their attempt to restore colonial rule. Later, theysupported dictators from Taiwan to Korea to Vietnam. In addition, overthrows in Iran, Guatemala, and among otherslater Chile, where brought the Pinochet regime to power. TheIran-Contra affair showed how indifferently intelligenceoperations were conducted not only against international lawbut also against congressional resolutions.
And inAfghanistan, the Taliban owe their rule to the CIA tooverthrow the socialist government and bleed the USSReconomically and militarily.
Wars against Serbia, Iran, and Libya as well as the support ofIslamist terrorist groups in Syria show how indiscriminatelythe U.S. selects – and drops – its partners. Whether SaddamHussein, Assad, Gaddafi, or Mubarak, whoever is a partnertoday can be invaded or removed by the USA tomorrow. Weshould be aware of this in Europe as well. The formerpresident of Pakistan, Musharaf, has just made public that theUSA threatened to bomb Pakistan back into the Stone Ageafter 9/11 if the country did not support the USA’s war against Afghanistan.
6. Surveillance state and lawless violence
Documentaries like „Hunt for Bin Laden“ show clearly how
comprehensive the surveillance by the USA is even in the last
corners of the earth.
Satellites and drones spy on everything in high resolution, and
radar and infrared technology can be used to find and track
people and groups partly through thin roofs or at night
through the clouds and leaves on the forest floor.
The NSA is a data sucker and increasingly intelligent programs for linking and evaluating data create profiles that say more about people than they are aware of themselves.
The espionage is supplemented by special forces that can
strike anywhere in the world at any time, and by drones
(guided out of Ramstein, among other places) that kill
worldwide. In addition, kidnappings in secret CIA prisons and
Guantanamo a torture prison without access to justice.
7. USA: Oligarchy instead of democracy
According to some theories, democracy was never meant to
be the implementation of collective self-determination, but
rather a political system of feigned co-determination from the
beginning, which does not stand for a turning away from
totalitarian rule, but only for more efficient enforcement of the
rule of the same elites. What sounds like the worst conspiracy
theory has long been substantiated by scientific research.
The central findings are:
- Political decisions largely reflect the interests of small
elites, not those of the majority, as they should in a
functioning democracy. - People make decisions much less rationally and are much
more susceptible to emotional and subconscious influence
than the human image of democracy would suggest. - Money and function elites instrumentalize language,
science, and media to control public opinion and the
decisions of the citizens incl. election decisions by the
information war to a large extent.
Money, education, and degree of the organization decide in
the western democracies. Particularly impressive are the
campaigns of Edward Bernays in the 1950s, who achieved an
overthrow of the socialist government in Guatemala for the
United Fruit Company, and the PR agency Hill&Knowlton,
which in 1990, by spreading a lie about the alleged theft of
incubators for premature babies by Iraqi soldiers, achieved
that the USA restored the monarchy in Kuwait – by defeating
Iraq. In science, among other efforts, redirecting attention
from sugar as a significant driver of obesity to fat has been
successful – in part through a selective choice of data used and
dominance in the media. Even the Nazis used films in
particular for indoctrination, because they recognized that this
works better than facts or documentaries.
Cambridge Analytica has shown how data analysis can be
used to create personality